The Miracle of the 1st Night of Chanukah

The Beis Yosef asks: Why do we celebrate the first day of Chanukah? It seems that no miracle occurred on that day. The Chashmonaim found a jug of oil that had just enough to last one day, so the menorah lighting of the first day wasn’t really a miracle.

The Alter of Kelm zt’l answers that on the first night of Chanukah, we are celebrating the miracle that oil burns – for that too is a nes! It is natural, but a miracle, nonetheless. The Alter explains that nature is the greatest miracle. Although we generally celebrate miracles where there is a change in nature, like the menorah burning for 8 days, or the weak small Chashmonaim beating the large powerful Greek army, here, on the first night of Chanukah, we celebrate and recognize the miracles of nature as well, that oil creates light.

~ R’ Elimelech Biderman Shlita

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